
Just 150 tickets left for Challenge Cup semi final

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  • Published Date 10 Feb 2025

The Devils host the Sheffield Steelers on Wednesday in the second leg of the semi-final of the Challenge Cup and there are only 150 tickets remaining.

CLICK HERE to book online or call us on 0800 0842 666. 

There are still seats together in a handful of blocks. The seats together in blocks 18 and 20 are in the top 2 rows but they will not show on the ticketing system if you are looking online, so you need to call us to book these seats. Below is where to find the remaining seats:remaining-seats.jpgSEASON TICKET HOLDERS - This game is not included in your season ticket.  Your season ticket covers 32 games (27 league games and the 5 Challenge Cup games already played).  You had until Friday 31st January at 11:59pm to purchase your season ticket seat for this game.  As of 1st February, all remaining seats went on general sale.

MATCH NIGHT VOUCHERS - If you have a match night ticket voucher from the Continental Cup, you can use your voucher to book your seat for the semi final.  Book tickets as normal then at the checkout stage enter the 16 digit voucher code including the hyphens and click add voucher.

CORPORATE SEASON TICKET HOLDERS - You do not have to do anything, your corporate season ticket covers this game.  

MATCH NIGHT HOSPITALITY - If your business is interested in the match night sponsorship for this game or looking at getting VIP tickets or use of our Blues Sky Lounge, get in touch with us by emailing [email protected]